Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Get a celebrity-like smile with Six Month Smiles

portland Maine six month smiles
Do you have spacing issues in your front teeth? What about crowding? If you want to have your smile fixed, but do not want to become a metal mouth, consider trying out Six Month Smiles.

Unlike traditional braces, Six Month Smiles is made up of tooth-colored wires that are barely noticeable. Instead of years of wearing these clear braces, patients can only wear it for about six months and see results right away. However, Six Month Smiles can only correct spacing and crowding in the front teeth but cannot fix bite issues.

Unfortunately, Six Month Smiles is not the best smile enhancement option for everyone. If your cosmetic dentist says that this is not for you, consider trying Invisalign. Like Six Month Smiles, Invisalign is barely noticeable. It is made up of clear retainers that are custom-made to fit a patient's mouth. Treatment lasts for about six to fifteen months.

Anyone can now achieve a celebrity-like smile without going through a phase of becoming a metal mouth. With Six Month Smiles and Invisalign, people with gaps and crowded teeth can now have their smile enhanced! For more information, visit your local Portland Maine cosmetic dentist.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Are porcelain veneers the best option for you?

portland Maine porcelain veneers
Dental veneers are great smile enhancers for people with misaligned teeth or gaps between teeth. Porcelain veneers are premium dental veneers that are durable and natural-looking. More than that, they are also stain-resistant and can correct many dental blemishes that causes so much insecurity in many people.

Studies show that people tend to notice a person's smile first when meeting for the first time. This is why it is important to have a beautiful smile, which porcelain veneers can do for your teeth.

If you are scared of going through a dental procedure or dislike the discomfort caused by procedures, look for a cosmetic dentist who has trained in sedation dentistry as well. These dentist can not just offer restorative dentistry, but can also offer sedation methods to help patients feel more calm and comfortable throughout the procedure.

For more information on porcelain veneers and sedation techniques, schedule a consultation with your local Portland Maine cosmetic dentist.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Stop avoiding your dentist

no pain dental procedure portland Maine
A lot of people avoid the dentist out of fear of pain or just to avoid having to sit uncomfortably on a dental chair. Fortunately for dental patients these days, there are new technologies to help them cope with dental anxiety.

Cosmetic dentists in Portland Maine now offer sedation dentistry for patients who feel anxious or uncomfortable about dental procedures. There are different types of sedation methods: oral, nitrous oxide, and anxiolysis. The type of sedation used on a patient depends on the anxiety of the patient and how complex the procedure is.

Since sedation dentistry puts patients into a dream-like state, cosmetic dentists can now do more dental work on the patient in one visit. This saves patients from extra expenses from multiple visits. If this interests you, you can ask your local Portland Maine cosmetic dentist about sedation techniques that they offer. However, make sure that your cosmetic dentist has a certification from the Dental Organization for Conscious Sedation.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Improve your smile with dental bridges

portland Maine dental bridge
One common dental problem of Americans are missing teeth. Not only do they look awful, but existing teeth have the tendency of drifting into the spaces left by the missing teeth. If you have this problem, you might want to consider having dental bridges placed.

Dental bridges are permanent solutions to missing teeth in which a false tooth is fused between two porcelain crowns on either side of the gap. There are three types of bridges: fixed bridges, cantilever bridges, and resin-bonded or "Maryland" bridges. The type of bridge will depend on where the gap is located. Placing the dental bridge will require two visits. The first visit will prepare the teeth for the bridge and a temporary bridge will be placed. On the second visit, the permanent bridge will be placed.

If you do not feel comfortable about dental procedures, you can ask your dentist about the sedation methods they offer for patients who will have a dental bridge placed. Most cosmetic dentists are also trained in sedation dentistry, so you can ask for help about your options.

Are you ready to improve your smile? Call your Portland Maine cosmetic dentist now for a consultation!

Improve your smile with dental bridges

One common dental problem of Americans are missing teeth. Not only do they look awful, but existing teeth have the tendency of drifting into the spaces left by the missing teeth. If you have this problem, you might want to consider having dental bridges placed.

Dental bridges are permanent solutions to missing teeth in which a false tooth is fused between two porcelain crowns on either side of the gap. There are three types of bridges: fixed bridges, cantilever bridges, and resin-bonded or "Maryland" bridges. The type of bridge will depend on where the gap is located. Placing the dental bridge will require two visits. The first visit will prepare the teeth for the bridge and a temporary bridge will be placed. On the second visit, the permanent bridge will be placed.

If you do not feel comfortable about dental procedures, you can ask your dentist about the sedation methods they offer for patients who will have a dental bridge placed. Most cosmetic dentists are also trained in sedation dentistry, so you can ask for help about your options.

Are you ready to improve your smile? Call your Portland Maine cosmetic dentist now for a consultation!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Tooth bonding in Portland Maine

portland Maine dental bonding
Do you have gaps between your teeth? Are you stained teeth bothering you? Or did you get into an accident and chipped your tooth? These are some of the most common dental problems that people worry about, which they shouldn't. Why? Because it is fairly easy to fix such damages.

Tooth bonding is considered as a state of the art dental technology since it is used by dentists in many procedures: whether to fix gaps between teeth, to repair a chipped tooth, or to solve the problem of stained teeth. Dentists use dental bonding in so many procedures because of the many perks it offers. For one, it's stronger than the traditional metal fillings. It, therefore, lasts longer. Compared to porcelain, it only takes one visit to apply and is much cheaper. When it needs repair, it is also easier to work on tooth bonding.

However, tooth bonding is not the best choice for everyone. It is not the best option for teeth in certain parts of the mouth. Moreover, it is not advisable for smokers and drinkers.

To know more about dental bonding and if you are qualified for it, talk to a cosmetic dentist in portland maine. Don't forget to ask about the sedation methods they offer to patients in case you feel anxious about dental procedures.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Root canals are no longer avoided with sedation dentistry

portland Maine sedation dentist
If your tooth is showing signs of decay or if it has been injured and it can no longer heal itself, your dentist will most likely recommend a root canal to save the tooth and the teeth that surround it. But, you have heard several horror stories about root canals: that it is uncomfortable and extremely painful. Are you scared? Well, you shouldn't be. All the horror stories are wrong because dental clinics  offer worry-free and pain-free dental procedures with sedation dentistry.

A lot of dentists are worried about patients who purposely avoid the dental clinic out of fear. This is why dentists now offer sedation methods to help patients feel less anxious about procedures. There are many methods available such as the use of nitrous oxide (also known as laughing gas), oral sedation, and anxiolysis. The sedation method used depends on the anxiety level of the patient and how complex the surgery is.

Stop avoiding the dentist and have your tooth looked at. Root canals are not painful - at all! Simply ask your Portland Maine sedation dentist about sedation dentistry and the methods they offer to patients who are recommended to have a root canal.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Are you considering dental implants?

dental implants portland maine
Do you have missing teeth? Have your dentist recommended you to wear dentures? If you do not feel comfortable about dentures, you have another option by going for dental implants instead. That is, if you fit the criteria.

Before anything else, your cosmetic dentist has to know that you have good general health. Dentists will also check the health of your teeth and gums, as well as if you have enough jaw bone mass to go through with the procedure. If you pass all these checks, then your cosmetic dentist can allow you to have dental implants. Dental implants are a more permanent and natural-looking alternatives to dentures. However, be warned that the treatment will take several visits with long procedures. Do not let this scare you away, though, since sedation dentists now offer sedation methods to patients who will undergo long procedures. This will help lower anxiety and make them more comfortable during the procedure.

If you think you will be more comfortable with dental implants, go for it! Just be sure that you fit the criteria by visiting your Portland Maine cosmetic dentist.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Do you want whiter teeth?

portland maine teeth whitening
Teeth whitening is a dental procedure that is not just limited to celebrities, but is also available to common people. If you want whiter teeth, schedule a consultation with your cosmetic dentist to know the options that you have.

When you come for a consultation, your gentle cosmetic dentist will ask you if you would rather go for in-office whitening or at-home whitening. You will also be asked whether you want a one-size-fits-all whitening tray or if you prefer a custom-made whitening tray. Your dentist will also ask you if you will use the whitening tray for short periods during the day or would rather use it overnight. These details will give your Portland Maine cosmetic dentist an idea of what type of whitening procedure suits you best.

Of course, you may also opt to go for over-the-counter teeth whitening products. However, note that dentists will only use the safest and most effective products for their patients. Interested? Schedule a consultation now and ask about your teeth whitening options!